Search Results for: national policy

Pages (12 results)


About ERG

Our Mission The mission of the Energy and Resources Group is a sustainable environment and a just society. ERG is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, nearly 200 ... Continue Reading »

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Financing Your Education

COST OF ATTENDANCE Please see the UC Berkeley Registrar’ Fee Schedule for the current cost of attendance in UC Berkeley graduate academic programs. ERG is an academic program and does ... Continue Reading »

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All Course Offerings Please note: This is a full list of ERG course offerings; not all courses are offered each term. For current course offerings, please refer to the online ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty by Primary Interest

Areas of Interest Climate Change ERG COREDavid AnthoffDavid Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model FUND that is used ... Continue Reading »

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Concurrent Degree Program (MPP/MA or MPP/MS)

Public Policy & Energy Resources Group Energy and Resources Group (ERG) and the Goldman School of Public Policy (GSPP) offer a concurrent degree program that integrates the strengths of public policy ... Continue Reading »

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Master’s Degree Curriculum Requirements (MA or MS)

The purpose of the ERG Master’s program is to educate the next generation of interdisciplinary leaders. Specifically, students are taught the range of methods and subjects they should be able ... Continue Reading »

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Summer Instructors 2024

The Energy and Resources Group summer instructors understand the complex and interdisciplinary nature of sustainability. All have significant experience teaching and/or professional experience in the subject areas of their courses. ... Continue Reading »

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Equity Diversity

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at ERG Equity and inclusion are at the heart of our mission to provide education and research for a sustainable and just society. We aspire ... Continue Reading »

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Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Undergraduate Minor in Energy and Resources

The Minor in Energy and Resources offers under­grad­u­ates basic knowl­edge and skills to address issues arising from the inter­ac­tion of social, eco­nomic, polit­i­cal, tech­ni­cal, and envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors shaping our world. ... Continue Reading »

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Open Positions

Join the ERG Team The Energy and Resources Group is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, nearly 200 affil­i­ated fac­ulty and researchers across the cam­pus, and over 600 ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Annual Lecture 2024

ERG Annual Lecture 2024

The Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley has, from its inception a half century ago, educated many of today’s experts and policymakers about the truly interdisciplinary nature of global ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty (3 results)

Mills-Novoa, Meg

Meg Mills-Novoa

Assistant Professor

Meg Mills-Novoa is a human-environment geographer who researches the enduring impacts of climate change adaptation projects. She is jointly appointed to the Energy and Resources Group and the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management.

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Anthoff, David

David Anthoff

Associate Professor

David Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model FUND that is used widely in academic research and in policy analysis.

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Kammen, Daniel M.

Daniel M. Kammen


Daniel Kam­men is the Dis­tin­guished Pro­fes­sor of Energy with appoint­ments in the Energy and Resources Group, The Gold­man School of Pub­lic Pol­icy, and the Depart­ment of Nuclear Engi­neer­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley.

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Students (12 results)

Ball-Burack, Ari

Ari Ball-Burack


Ari Ball-Burack is a first year PhD student in the Energy & Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley, advised by Dr. Dan Kammen. He studies data and computational ... Continue Reading »

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Xi Xi

Xi Xi


Xi Xi is a Master’s student for the Energy Resource group. Xi Xi uses interdisciplinary methods such as quantitative modeling techniques and policy analyses to assess impacts on emissions, energy ... Continue Reading »

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Kudrimoti, Aaditee

Aaditee Kudrimoti


Aaditee Kudrimoti is a M.S./Ph.D. student in the Energy and Resources Group. She completed undergraduate degrees from UC Berkeley in Political Science and Public Policy (go bears!). Aaditee is interested ... Continue Reading »

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McAdams, Jasmine

Jasmine McAdams


Jasmine is a MS/PhD student at UC Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group, with a passion for supporting robust and equitable decision-making in climate and energy. Her research interests include developing ... Continue Reading »

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Gill-Wiehl, Annelise

Annelise Gill-Wiehl


Annelise Gill-Wiehl is currently an NSF Graduate Student Researcher and a Ph.D. Candidate in the Energy & Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley, co-advised by Dr. Dan Kammen ... Continue Reading »

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Munnings, Clayton

Clayton Munnings


Clayton’s research focuses on design evaluations and performance assessments of carbon offsets, carbon prices, and clean electricity standards with a geographic emphasis on the United States and China. He founded ... Continue Reading »

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Kersey, Jess

Jess Kersey


Jess Kersey is a fourth-year PhD student broadly interested in technology, regulation, and policy to improve energy access and climate adaptation efforts across multiple geographies including East Africa, Latin America, ... Continue Reading »

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Rempel, Jenny

Jenny Rempel


Surfacing Overlying Rights: Assessing Transitions in Overlying Rights to California’s Groundwater Basins (MS ’20) Jenny grew up in Fresno, California, and graduated from Stanford University with an interdisciplinary environmental science ... Continue Reading »

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Alford-Jones, Kelsey

Kelsey Alford-Jones


Kelsey is a PhD candidate, focusing on qualitative research spanning the fields of global climate and environmental politics, political ecology, critical development studies, human and Indigenous rights, and environmental conflict. ... Continue Reading »

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Strecker, Jesse

Jesse Strecker


Jesse Strecker is a researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley’s Energy and Resources Group, and an interdisciplinary political economist. They hold an MPP ... Continue Reading »

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Rennels, Lisa

Lisa Rennels


Sobol Sensitivity Analysis for Integrated Assessment Models: Supporting Result Characterization (MS ’19) Lisa is interested in using computer science to explore issues related to the economic impacts of climate change, ... Continue Reading »

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Best, Dennis

Dennis Best


Dennis has focused his career on technology and sustainability policy in emerging and developing economies. His research interests include technology and innovation policy and impacts to resource and rural development, ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (36 results)

Stack, Stephen

Stephen Stack


Stephen graduated 2024 with his Master’s from the Energy and Resources Group. His work focuses on the social, economic, and political dimensions of the clean energy transition. He is currently ... Continue Reading »

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Sparti, Chelsi

Chelsi Sparti


Chelsi belongs to the Winnemem, Nomtipom, and Nomsus bands of the Northern Wintu people, and is of European settler descent. She carries out collaborative research with Puerto Rican residents to ... Continue Reading »

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Shiyayo, Lynn

Lynn Shiyayo


Lynn is a MS student and researcher in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research lies at the intersection of transportation, climate, and equity ... Continue Reading »

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Mohanty, Priyanka

Priyanka Mohanty


What are the Best Practices for Rapid and Just Energy Transition? (MS ’22) Priyanka earned her Masters of Science with the Energy and Resources Group. At ERG, she works on ... Continue Reading »

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Ponomareva, Sasha

Sasha Ponomareva


Alternative Futures for Composting in California (MS ’22) Sasha earned her B.A. in Environmental Analysis with a minor in Spanish from Pomona College in 2014. After this she worked for ... Continue Reading »

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Rayef, Reem

Reem Rayef


Reem is a concurrent MPP/ERG student at UC Berkeley. She is broadly interested in leveraging energy policy toward the decarbonization of transportation and transit systems in urban settings. Previously, Reem ... Continue Reading »

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Yip, Anna

Anna Yip


Anna spent most of her undergrad career studying and analyzing her campus’ ‘Zero Waste by 2020’ goal. She quickly fell in love with the field and plans to dedicate the ... Continue Reading »

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Moon, Sangcheol

Sangcheol Moon


Sangcheol is interested in feedstock resources and materials loop modeling under the scenario of institutional regulation to support circular economy, Industrial ecology, green chemistry, and the design and implementation mechanisms ... Continue Reading »

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Siddique, Samira

Samira Siddique


Development for the Stateless: the Displacement-Development Nexus and Implications for the Future (MS ’19) Samira Siddique is a PhD candidate and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow in the Energy ... Continue Reading »

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Hossain, Anushah

Anushah Hossain


The Value of Connectivity: A Case Study of Cellular Networks in the Rural Philippines (MA ’18) Anushah’s background is in history and economics and she is interested in questions of ... Continue Reading »

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Rand, Joseph

Joseph Rand


Environmental, Economic, and Social Trade-Offs of Hydropower Relicensing (MS ’16) Joseph is interested in the social, environmental, and economic trade-offs in energy development, and in particular the social conflicts arising ... Continue Reading »

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Jacobson, Arne

Arne Jacobson


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: ARNE JACOBSON Ph.D. 2004 Professor in the Department of Environmental Resources Engineering at Humboldt State University   From his post at Humboldt State University, Arne Jacobson passionately extends ... Continue Reading »

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Lollo, Niklas

Niklas Lollo


Inside Out: the Power in Data-Centric Private Governance (PhD ’20) Inspired by ecological economics, Niklas is focused on global governance of production and consumption. At ERG, he is combining data ... Continue Reading »

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Major, Sophie

Sophie Major


Sophie Major is an interdisciplinary PhD candidate, studying and researching across the disciplines of political theory, environmental politics, and Indigenous studies. Their dissertation examines the marginalization of Indigenous people and ... Continue Reading »

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Vásquez, Váleri

Váleri Vásquez


Váleri Vásquez is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group with a Designated Emphasis in Computational Data Science and Engineering. Váleri conducts most of her work in the ... Continue Reading »

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Errickson, Frank

Frank Errickson


The Joint Effect of Uncertainty and Inequality on Global Climate Policy (PhD ’20) Frank grew up on the central New Jersey coast, completing a B.A. in Political Science with a ... Continue Reading »

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MacDonald, Jason

Jason MacDonald


Jason is interested in optimization and control of distributed energy resources to support renewable energy integration into the electricity grid. He works at Lawrence Berkeley National lab researching wholesale electricity ... Continue Reading »

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Bolliger, Ian

Ian Bolliger


Monitoring and Projecting the Impacts of Climate Change with Emerging Environmental Datasets and Machine Learning (PhD ’20) Ian works to provide decision-makers with quantitative, high-resolution projections of the socioeconomic impacts ... Continue Reading »

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Golden, Rachel

Rachel Golden


Achieving Long-term Climate Goals in the US: Unlocking the Potential of High-Efficiency Electric Technology in Our Homes and Buildings (MS/MPP ’16) Rachel is interested in advancing policies that can help ... Continue Reading »

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Wadia, Cyrus

Cyrus Wadia


"In a sense, we’re going through a tran­si­tion here. The indus­try is going through a tran­si­tion that we’re only see­ing the begin­ning of,” says Dr. Cyrus Wadia (PhD’08). Cyrus knows about transitions. He has been a policy advocate, business entrepreneur and scientific innovator for clean energy and human welfare prior, throughout and since his time at ERG. He has not only observed but has been part of the change in the world’s switch to solar. His multiple hats and his work on the frontline edge of policy, economics and science made him a perfect fit for the interdisciplinary program at ERG.

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Stacy Jackson


Quick Wins for Climate: A Gas-Specific Framework for International Mitigation Policy (MS ’08) Nuances of Climate Change Mitigation: Four Different Goals and Approaches in the Climate Boxes Framework (PhD ’12)

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Seel, Joachim

Joachim Seel


Landing on the Sun! How to Make Residential PV Price-Competitive in the U.S. with Lessons Learned in Germany (MS/MPP ’12) Socio-Economic and Engineering Assessments of Renewable Energy cost Reduction Potential (PhD ... Continue Reading »

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Kuriyan Wittemyer, Renee

Renee Kuriyan Wittemyer


"23% fewer women than men are online in developing countries. If no concerted effort is taken, that internet gap is going to grow. When women see role models—people doing things—it enables them and empowers them to think, 'Well, I can do that as well.' And, accessing the internet and using technologies exposes them to an entirely new world," says ERG Alum, Dr. Renee (Kuriyan) Wittemyer. She is Intel's Director of Social Impact.

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Testa, Monica

Monica Testa


Monica obtained her Masters in 2015 from the Energy and Resources Group. She is interested in electric vehicle adoption, alternative energy policy, and sustainable energy development. Her research involves modeling ... Continue Reading »

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Laura Schewel


Shop ‘Till We Drop: A Historical and Policy Analysis of Goods Movement in the U.S. (MS ’11) Transportation Behavioral Data and Climate Change (PhD ’20) Laura studies the environmental impacts ... Continue Reading »

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Sanchez, Daniel

Daniel Sanchez


Daniel L. Sanchez holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Energy and Resources. He is interested in quantitative analysis to inform public policy, focusing on bioenergy and climate policy. His past research focused on design, deployment, and commercialization of bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS) technologies. Daniel has previously held positions with the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), Green for All, and the California Public Utilities Commission.

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Romankiewicz, John

John Romankiewicz


John Romankiewicz is an MS/MPP candidate in the Energy & Resources Group and Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley. He is the VP of Membership for the Berkeley ... Continue Reading »

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Reilly, Jessica

Jessica Reilly


Jess studies the impact of and adaptation to climate change on Latin America’s coasts. Currently, she travels on her 39-foot sailboat, Oleada, down the Pacific coast of Mexico and Central ... Continue Reading »

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Lu, Hongyou

Hongyou Lu


Hongyou is a concurrent MS-MPP student in ERG and the Goldman School of Public Policy. She also works at the China Energy Group of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Her ... Continue Reading »

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Jones, Christopher

Christopher Jones


Chris Jones is Director of the CoolClimate Network, a university-government-industry partnership at the University of California, Berkeley, and Lecturer at the Haas School of Business. His primary research interests are ... Continue Reading »

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Fulton, Julian

Julian Fulton


Julian’s interests lie in the relationships between water use and economic development, focusing on modeling and governance. Mr. Fulton’s previous research includes water use in the transportation sector, conservation strategies ... Continue Reading »

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Deshmukh, Ranjit

Ranjit Deshmukh


India’s Low Carbon Electricity Futures (PhD ’17) Ranjit’s research efforts largely focus on addressing the clean energy and energy access challenges in developing nations. As part of both the International ... Continue Reading »

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Dar, Zubair

Zubair Dar


Zubair is a Master’s student who researches water policy and management of international river basins, and is particularly focused on hydro-politics of the Indus basin. He has researched the relationship ... Continue Reading »

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Avila, Nkiruka

Nkiruka Avila


Designing and Adapting Appropriate Socio-Technical Systems for the Renewable Energy Transition (PhD ’18) Nkiruka has expertise in solar grid integration and climate policy in California, and in electricity access in ... Continue Reading »

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Aden, Nate

Nate Aden


Taking the Man Out of Manufacturing: Drivers and Components of Industrial Sector Low-Carbon Transformation (PhD ’17) Nate Aden completed his PhD at the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley and is ... Continue Reading »

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News (17 results)

Daniel Kammen and Berkeley Researchers finds that China is the only Nation on track to triple its Renewable Capacity by 2030

Daniel Kammen and Berkeley Researchers finds that China is the only Nation on track to triple its Renewable Capacity by 2030

Amid continuing geopolitical tensions, climate change remains a key area of collaboration between the United States and China. Ahead of last November’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28, Presidents Biden ... Continue Reading »

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ERG PhD Student Szinai and Alumnus Gopal Link Grid Costs to Electric Vehicle Charge Management

ERG PhD Student Szinai and Alumnus Gopal Link Grid Costs to Electric Vehicle Charge Management

ERG PhD student Julia Szinai, ERG Alumnus Anand Gopal, and two other co-authors from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab have recently published a collaborative research paper on ScienceDirect.

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ERG Alumnus Patrick Gonzalez Speaks to Congress on Climate Change

ERG Alumnus Patrick Gonzalez Speaks to Congress on Climate Change

ERG alum, Dr. Patrick Gonzalez presents scientific findings to Representative Mike Quigley and other members of the U.S. House of Representatives Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition Members in the U.S. Capitol

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ERG Alum Patrick Gonzalez Testifies Before Congress as Expert Witness

ERG Alum Patrick Gonzalez Testifies Before Congress as Expert Witness

During a recent House Natural Resources Committee event titled “Climate Change and Public Lands: Examining Impacts and Considering Adaptation Opportunities,” ERG alumnus Patrick Gonzalez (PhD ’97) provided testimony as an ... Continue Reading »

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Carbon Loopholes: Report by ERG Student Cecilia Springer in New York Times

Carbon Loopholes: Report by ERG Student Cecilia Springer in New York Times

In an article examining the costs of carbon pollution "outsourcing" this week, The New York Times featured a report co-authored by ERG student Cecilia Springer.

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Zeke Hausfather Cited by the Washington Post on 2017’s Concerning Temperatures

Zeke Hausfather Cited by the Washington Post on 2017’s Concerning Temperatures

Recently, scientists from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported that 2017 was among the warmest years in history. While the two agencies approach global temperature measurements differently, both ... Continue Reading »

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Dan Kammen Featured in Fall 2017 Breakthroughs Magazine

Dan Kammen Featured in Fall 2017 Breakthroughs Magazine

In the Fall 2017 issue of the College of Natural Resources’ Breakthroughs magazine, Dan Kammen is spotlighted for the innovative ways in which he has merged science with environmental policy. ... Continue Reading »

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Paper Authored by PhD Candidate Noah Kittner and Professor Dan Kammen Published in Nature Energy

Paper Authored by PhD Candidate Noah Kittner and Professor Dan Kammen Published in Nature Energy

Noah Kittner and Dan Kammen's new paper, "Energy stor­age deploy­ment and inno­va­tion for the clean energy tran­si­tion," was published in Nature Energy on July 31, 2017

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New ERG Chair Daniel M. Kammen

New ERG Chair Daniel M. Kammen

We are pleased to announce the appointment of the new Energy and Resources Group Chair, Professor Daniel M. Kammen. His appointment began July 1, 2017. Daniel Kam­men is a Pro­fes­sor of Energy with ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Professor Daniel Kammen Appointed as U.S. Science Envoy

ERG Professor Daniel Kammen Appointed as U.S. Science Envoy

ERG Professor Daniel Kammen has been appointed as one of five U.S. Science Envoys by the US State Department.

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ERG at the Paris Climate Talks

ERG at the Paris Climate Talks

The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris has begun and will continue until December 11th. Energy and Resources Group faculty, students and alumni will be playing an active role at the conference and the many peripheral activities.

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Energy and Environment- Understanding China’s non-fossil energy targets.

Energy and Environment- Understanding China’s non-fossil energy targets.

ERG student John Romankiewicz and ERG alumni Joanna Lewis share their research on China's energy targets and the transparency in international negotiations with Science.

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CFCC15: ERG Students Present at Paris Conference

CFCC15: ERG Students Present at Paris Conference

ERG & RAEL students present and engage at scientific conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change” ahead of COP21

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Siegner finalist in Feeding the Planet’s Storyfest

Siegner finalist in Feeding the Planet’s Storyfest

Signer writes about the potential of urban foraging

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Zoë Chafe leads new WHO Report

Zoë Chafe leads new WHO Report

"We wanted to help policymakers and members of the general public understand that household heating with biomass is a complicated issue," says ERG PhD candidate Zoë Chafe.

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Holdren Sets New Course for US Energy

Holdren Sets New Course for US Energy

President Obama's top science advisor and ERG Co-founder, John Holdren, is confident that America's next energy plan "will make a difference."

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ERG Alum Greacen’s book on small power

ERG Alum Greacen’s book on small power

From the bottom up : how small power producers and mini-grids can deliver electrification and renewable energy in Africa

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Topics (1 results)

Akinsipe, Gbemisola

Gbemisola Akinsipe


Gbemi is a MS/PhD student in the Energy and Resources Group. Her primary research revolves around electricity systems planning and markets in Nigeria and West Africa with a focus on ... Continue Reading »

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